
SAFLII is a member of the Free Access to Law movement and is committed to publishing all judgments provided by the courts online. Please let us know if we are missing one. We are grateful to all the legal practitioners and court officials who help us source judgments every day.

The Southern African Legal Information Institute publishes legal information for free public access which comprises mainly of case law from South Africa.

SAFLII also hosts legal materials from other countries in the region which are obtained through partnerships, collaborative efforts and more recently through linking to other Legal Information Institutes established in these regions.

All information is offered on a free and open basis subject to our terms of use and is continuously updated.

What's new
  • Singh v Tippertech Proprietary Limited and Another (7987/2024P) [2025] ZAKZPHC 5 (21 January 2025)
  • IThala Development Finance Corporation Ltd v Loyisa Consulting and Projects CC and Others (10399/2023P) [2025] ZAKZPHC 4 (21 January 2025)
  • Lagardien and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (2025/432) [2025] ZAGPJHC 20 (21 January 2025)
  • Swanepoel v Depuy International Limited (20758/2013) [2025] ZAWCHC 9 (21 January 2025)
  • Mostert v Overberg Agri-Bedrywe (Pty) Ltd (C113/2022) [2025] ZALCCT 4 (20 January 2025)
  • Kidrogen RF (Pty) Ltd v Erasmus and Others (815/2023) [2025] ZASCA 3 (17 January 2025)
  • Van Wyk v Duze and Another (214/2017) [2025] ZANCHC 2 (17 January 2025)
  • Section 99 Claridge Court Shareblock (Pty) Ltd v Pino's General Trading CC and Others (3692/2024) [2025] ZAKZDHC 3 (17 January 2025)
  • Devine Property Development NPC and Another v Kgosihadi Trading and Projects CC and Others (2023/032999) [2025] ZAGPJHC 23 (17 January 2025)
  • S v Mudolo and Others (CC07/2023) [2025] ZAGPPHC 13 (17 January 2025)
  • Van Der Westhuizen and Others v Minister of Police (307/2015) [2025] ZANCHC 1 (17 January 2025)
  • Tlhapi v Bangane and Others (2018/21599) [2025] ZAGPJHC 22 (17 January 2025)
  • Seboni N.O and Another v ABSA Bank Limited and Others (Leave to Appeal) (18797/2021) [2025] ZAGPPHC 6 (17 January 2025)
  • Tlou v Matlala (60676/2019) [2025] ZAGPPHC 15 (16 January 2025)
  • Engineering Industries Pension Fund and Another v Installair (Pty) Ltd and Others (1633/2023) [2025] ZAWCHC 8 (16 January 2025)
  • Kabula and Another v Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs and Others (23123/23) [2025] ZAWCHC 7 (16 January 2025)
  • N Wandlamhari Communal Property Association and Another v Mathebula and Others (LCC89/2019) [2025] ZALCC 3 (16 January 2025)
  • Sebigi v Strauss (LANC161/2024; LANC161/2024B) [2025] ZALCC 2 (15 January 2025)
  • Longman v Minister of Police (20/2023) [2025] ZANWHC 6 (15 January 2025)
  • EFB Farm (Pty) Limited t/a Glenboyd Farm v Kota (LCC32R/2023) [2025] ZALCC 1 (15 January 2025)
  • MEC for Health Eastern Cape v A.S obo S.S (842/2023) [2025] ZASCA 2 (15 January 2025)