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South Africa: Constitutional Court
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South Africa: Constitutional Court decisions beginning with A ...
A M v H M (CCT95/19) [2020] ZACC 9; 2020 (8) BCLR 903 (CC) (26 May 2020)
AAA Investments (Proprietary) Limited v Micro Finance Regulatory Council and Another (CCT51/05) [2006] ZACC 9; 2006 (11) BCLR 1255 (CC); 2007 (1) SA 343 (CC) (28 July 2006)
AB and Another v Minister of Social Development (CCT155/15) [2016] ZACC 43; 2017 (3) BCLR 267 (CC); 2017 (3) SA 570 (CC) (29 November 2016)
AB and Another v Pridwin Preparatory School and Others (CCT294/18) [2020] ZACC 12; 2020 (9) BCLR 1029 (CC); 2020 (5) SA 327 (CC) (17 June 2020)
Abahlali Basemjondolo Movement SA and Another v Premier of the Province of Kwazulu-Natal and Others (CCT12/09) [2009] ZACC 31; 2010 (2) BCLR 99 (CC) (14 October 2009)
Abore v Minister of Home Affairs and Another (CCT 115/21) [2021] ZACC 50; 2022 (4) BCLR 387 (CC); 2022 (2) SA 321 (CC) (30 December 2021)
Absa Bank Limited v Moore and Another (CCT03/16) [2016] ZACC 34; 2017 (1) SA 255 (CC); 2017 (2) BCLR 131 (CC) (21 October 2016)
Acting Speaker of the National Assembly v Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children and Another (CCT 54/15) [2015] ZACC 16; 2015 (10) BCLR 1129 (CC) (15 June 2015)
AD and Another v DW and Others (CCT48/07) [2007] ZACC 27; 2008 (3) SA 183 (CC); 2008 (4) BCLR 359 (CC) (7 December 2007)
Ad Hoc Central Authority for the Republic of SA and Another v Koch N.O. and Another (CCT 150/22) [2023] ZACC 37; 2024 (2) BCLR 147 (CC); 2024 (3) SA 249 (CC) (27 November 2023)
Affordable Medicines Trust and Others v Minister of Health and Another (CCT27/04) [2005] ZACC 3; 2006 (3) SA 247 (CC); 2005 (6) BCLR 529 (CC) (11 March 2005)
AFGRI Animal Feeds (A Division of PhilAfrica Foods (Pty) Limited) v National Union of Metalworkers South Africa and Others (CCT 188/22) [2024] ZACC 13; 2024 (9) BCLR 1111 (CC); (2024) 45 ILJ 1937 (CC); 2024 (5) SA 576 (CC); [2024] 10 BLLR 999 (CC) (21 June 2024)
African Christian Democratic Party v Electoral Commission and Others (CCT 10/06) [2006] ZACC 1; 2006(3) SA 305 (CC); 2006(5) BCLR 579 (CC) (24 February 2006)
African Congress for Transformation v Electoral Commission of South Africa; Labour Party of South Africa v Electoral Commission of South Africa and Others; Afrikan Alliance of Social Democrats v Electoral Commission of South Africa (CCT 106/24; CCT 113/24; CCT 114/24) [2024] ZACC 7; 2024 (8) BCLR 987 (CC) (20 May 2024)
African National Congress and Another v Minister of Local Government and Housing, Kwazulu-Natal and Others (CCT19/97) [1998] ZACC 2; 1998 (3) SA 1; 1998 (4) BCLR 399 (24 March 1998)
African National Congress v Chief Electoral Officer of the Independent Electoral Commission (CCT 45/09) [2009] ZACC 13; 2009 (10) BCLR 971 (CC) ; 2010 (5) SA 487 (CC) (3 June 2009)
African National Congress v United Democratic Movement and Others (Krog and Others Intervening) (CCT43/02) [2002] ZACC 24; 2003 (1) SA 533; 2003 (1) BCLR 1 (19 November 2002)
AfriForum and Another v University of the Free State (CCT101/17) [2017] ZACC 48; 2018 (2) SA 185 (CC); 2018 (4) BCLR 387 (CC) (29 December 2017)
Afrocentrics Projects and Services (Pty) Ltd t/a Innovative Distribution v State Information Technology Agency (SITA) SOC Ltd and Others (CCT 54/22) [2023] ZACC 2; 2023 (4) BCLR 361 (CC) (24 January 2023)
Agri South Africa v Minister for Minerals and Energy (CCT 51/12) [2013] ZACC 9; 2013 (4) SA 1 (CC); 2013 (7) BCLR 727 (CC) (18 April 2013)
Agribee Beef Fund (Pty) Ltd and Another v Eastern Cape Development Agency and Another (CCT 26/22) [2023] ZACC 6; 2023 (5) BCLR 489 (CC); 2023 (6) SA 639 (CC) (1 February 2023)
Ahmed and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Another (CCT273/17) [2018] ZACC 39; 2018 (12) BCLR 1451 (CC); 2019 (1) SA 1 (CC) (9 October 2018)
Airports Company South Africa v Big Five Duty Free (Pty) Limited and Others (CCT257/17) [2018] ZACC 33; 2019 (2) BCLR 165 (CC); 2019 (5) SA 1 (CC) (27 September 2018)
AK v Minister of Police (CCT 94/20) [2022] ZACC 14; 2022 (11) BCLR 1307 (CC); 2023 (1) SACR 113 (CC); 2023 (2) SA 321 (CC) (5 April 2022)
Albutt v Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation and Others (CCT 54/09) [2010] ZACC 4; 2010 (3) SA 293 (CC) ; 2010 (2) SACR 101 (CC) ; 2010 (5) BCLR 391 (CC) (23 February 2010)
Alexkor Ltd and Another v Richtersveld Community and Others (CCT19/03) [2003] ZACC 18; 2004 (5) SA 460 (CC); 2003 (12) BCLR 1301 (CC) (14 October 2003)
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and Others (2014 (1) SA 604 (CC); 2014 (1) BCLR 1 (CC)) [2013] ZACC 51; [2013] ZACC 42 (29 November 2013)
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and Others (CCT 48/13) [2013] ZACC 42; 2014 (1) SA 604 (CC); 2014 (1) BCLR 1 (CC) (29 November 2013)
AllPay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and Others (CCT 48/13) [2015] ZACC 7; 2015 (6) BCLR 653 (CC) (24 March 2015)
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and Others (No 2) [2014] ZACC 12; 2014 (6) BCLR 641 (CC); 2014 (4) SA 179 (CC) (17 April 2014)
AmaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism NPC and Another v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others; Minister of Police v AmaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism NPC and Others (CCT 278/19; CCT 279/19) [2021] ZACC 3; 2021 (4) BCLR 349 (CC); 2021 (3) SA 246 (CC) (4 February 2021)
AmaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism NPC v President of the Republic of South Africa (CCT 385/21) [2022] ZACC 31; 2023 (2) SA 1 (CC); 2023 (5) BCLR 499 (CC) (20 September 2022)
Amalungelo Workers' Union and Others v Philip Morris South Africa (Pty) Limited and Another (CCT20/18) [2019] ZACC 45; 2020 (2) BCLR 125 (CC); [2020] 3 BLLR 225 (CC); (2020) 41 ILJ 863 (CC) (26 November 2019)
Amardien and Others v Registrar of Deeds and Others (CCT212/17) [2018] ZACC 47; 2019 (2) BCLR 193 (CC); 2019 (3) SA 341 (CC) (28 November 2018)
Amod v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund (CCT4/98) [1998] ZACC 11; 1998 (4) SA 753; 1998 (10) BCLR 1207 (27 August 1998)
AParty and Another v The Minister for Home Affairs and Others, Moloko and Others v The Minister for Home Affairs and Another (CCT 06/09, CCT 10/09) [2009] ZACC 4; 2009 (3) SA 649 (CC) ; 2009 (6) BCLR 611 (CC) (12 March 2009)
Aquila Steel (S Africa) (Pty) Limited v Minister of Mineral Resources and Others (CCT08/18) [2019] ZACC 5; 2019 (4) BCLR 429 (CC); 2019 (3) SA 621 (CC) (15 February 2019)
Arena Holdings (Pty) Ltd t/a Financial Mail and Others v South African Revenue Service and Others (CCT 365/21) [2023] ZACC 13; 2023 (8) BCLR 905 (CC); 2023 (5) SA 319 (CC); 86 SATC 1 (30 May 2023)
Areva NP Incorporated in France v Eskom Holdings Soc Limited and Others (CCT20/16, CCT24/16) [2016] ZACC 51; 2017 (6) BCLR 675 (CC); 2017 (6) SA 621 (CC) (21 December 2016)
Armbruster and Another v Minister of Finance and Others (CCT 59/06) [2007] ZACC 17; 2007 (6) SA 550 (CC); 2007 (12) BCLR 1283 (CC) (25 September 2007)
Arun Property Development (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town (CCT78/14) [2014] ZACC 37; 2015 (3) BCLR 243 (CC); 2015 (2) SA 584 (CC) (15 December 2014)
Ascendis Animal Health (Pty) Limited v Merck Sharpe Dohme Corporation and Others (CCT 212/18) [2019] ZACC 41; 2020 (1) SA 327 (CC) ; 2020 (1) BCLR 1 (CC); 2019 BIP 34 (CC) (24 October 2019)
Ashebo v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (CCT 250/22) [2023] ZACC 16; 2023 (5) SA 382 (CC); 2024 (2) BCLR 217 (CC) (12 June 2023)
Assign Services (Pty) Limited v National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and Others (CCT194/17) [2018] ZACC 22; [2018] 9 BLLR 837 (CC); (2018) 39 ILJ 1911 (CC); 2018 (5) SA 323 (CC); 2018 (11) BCLR 1309 (CC) (26 July 2018)
Association of Mineworkers and Construction and Others v Royal Bafokeng Platinum Limited and Others (CCT181/18) [2020] ZACC 1; (2020) 41 ILJ 555 (CC); 2020 (4) BCLR 373 (CC); [2020] 5 BLLR 441 (CC); 2020 (3) SA 1 (CC) (23 January 2020)
Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union and Others v Anglo Gold Ashanti Limited t/a Anglo Gold Ashanti and Others (CCT 233/20) [2021] ZACC 42; [2022] 2 BLLR 115 (CC); (2022) 43 ILJ 291 (CC); 2022 (8) BCLR 907 (CC) (12 November 2021)
Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union and Others v Chamber of Mines of South Africa and Others (CCT87/16) [2017] ZACC 3; (2017) 38 ILJ 831 (CC); 2017 (3) SA 242 (CC); 2017 (6) BCLR 700 (CC); [2017] 7 BLLR 641 (CC) (21 February 2017)
Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union and Others v Ngululu Bulk Carriers (Pty) Limited (In Liquidation) and Others (CCT 15/18) [2020] ZACC 8; 2020 (7) BCLR 779 (CC); (2020) 41 ILJ 1837 (CC); [2020] 10 BLLR 959 (CC) (20 May 2020)
Association of Regional Magistrates of Southern Africa v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (CCT 91/12) [2013] ZACC 13; 2013 (7) BCLR 762 (CC) (23 May 2013)
August and Another v Electoral Commission and Others (CCT8/99) [1999] ZACC 3; 1999 (3) SA 1; 1999 (4) BCLR 363 (1 April 1999)
Aviation Union of South Africa and Another v SAA (Pty) Ltd and Others (CCT 08/11) [2011] ZACC 31; 2012 (1) SA 321 (CC); 2012 (2) BCLR 117 (CC); [2012] 3 BLLR 211 (CC); (2011) 32 ILJ 2861 (CC) (24 November 2011)
Aviation Union of South Africa and Another v South African Airways (Pty) Ltd and Others (CC) [2011] ZACC 39; 2012 (1) SA 321 (CC); 2012 (2) BCLR 117 (CC); [2012] 3 BLLR 211 (CC); (2011) 32 ILJ 2861 (CC) (24 November 2011)
Ayres and Another v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Another (CCT 47/21) [2022] ZACC 12; 2022 (5) BCLR 523 (CC); 2022 (2) SACR 123 (CC) (25 March 2022)
Azanian Peoples Organization (AZAPO) and Others v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (CCT17/96) [1996] ZACC 16; 1996 (8) BCLR 1015; 1996 (4) SA 672 (25 July 1996)