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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth
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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth
>> South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with D ...
South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with D ...
D M v N M (549/04) [2013] ZAECPEHC 59 (19 November 2013)
D'Hooghe v Road Accident Fund (572/2007) [2009] ZAECPEHC 36 (30 July 2009)
D.B v A.B (4345/14) [2014] ZAECPEHC 91 (19 December 2014)
Damana v Minister of Safety and Security (1418/2011) [2016] ZAECPEHC 12 (26 January 2016)
Datacentrix (Pty) Ltd v Duffy (887/14) [2014] ZAECPEHC 23 (8 April 2014)
DDW V DAW (3278/2019) [2020] ZAECPEHC 13 (9 June 2020)
De Bruin v Road Accident Fund (2056/2008) [2010] ZAECPEHC 19 (11 May 2010)
De Bruin v Road Accident Fund (2637/2018) [2019] ZAECPEHC 84 (12 December 2019)
De Jager NO and Others v Thompson and Another (2122/2013) [2014] ZAECPEHC 69 (14 October 2014)
De Lange v Ombudsman for the Long Term Insurance and Others (919/2011) [2012] ZAECPEHC 45 (26 June 2012)
De Lange v Road Accident Fund (2176/2010) [2012] ZAECPEHC 18 (22 March 2012)
De Lauwere v Beaton (1025/18) [2018] ZAECPEHC 39 (14 August 2018)
De Pontes v Kegge (1773/2018) [2021] ZAECPEHC 3 (26 January 2021)
De Villiers v De Villiers (CA 116/2009) [2010] ZAECPEHC 16 (5 May 2010)
De Vries v South African Teachers Union and Another (3327/2018) [2019] ZAECPEHC 55 (3 September 2019)
De Wet N.O v Barkhuizen and Others (2330/2018) [2019] ZAECPEHC 25 (30 April 2019)
Democratic Alliance and Others v MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Eastern Cape and Others (3023/2018) [2018] ZAECPEHC 49; [2018] 4 All SA 356 (ECP) (20 September 2018)
Democratic Alliance v Kouga Municpality and Others (2502/12) [2012] ZAECPEHC 95 (20 December 2012)
Democratic Alliance v Municipal Manager:Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality and Others (3676/2018) [2018] ZAECPEHC 79 (11 December 2018)
Dennis v Kouga Municipality (644/2011) [2011] ZAECPEHC 61 (30 September 2011)
Despatch Rugby Club v Eastern Province Rugby Union and Another (1159/2016) [2016] ZAECPEHC 82 (20 September 2016)
Deyzel v Road Accident Fund (1886/2013) [2014] ZAECPEHC 51 (14 August 2014)
Didodi v Head of Government Employees Medical Scheme (The Information Officer) (1499/2021) [2022] ZAECPEHC 6 (1 March 2022)
Diedre Steyn Physiotherapy Inc v Stander (440/2020) [2020] ZAECPEHC 14 (9 June 2020)
Dimension Data (Pty) Ltd v Pearton (2388/2020) [2021] ZAECPEHC 54 (5 October 2021)
Dirk v Ruiters en Ander (1336/01, 2572/02) [2009] ZAECPEHC 53 (8 December 2009)
Dlukulu No v Master of the High Court and Others (549/2010) [2012] ZAECPEHC 67 (18 September 2012)
Dolce Domus CC v Herholdt and Another (742/2021) [2022] ZAECPEHC 5 (24 February 2022)
Dolf v Road Accident Fund (3038/2014) [2014] ZAECPEHC 99 (11 December 2014)
Dorfling v Dorfling (3197/2005) [2011] ZAECPEHC 6 (8 March 2011)
Doubell v Road Accident Fund (1082/2011) [2012] ZAECPEHC 77 (18 October 2012)
Douglas NO and Others v Gobo Grora Construction And Project Management CC and Others (1970/2014) [2014] ZAECPEHC 46 (27 June 2014)
DRG Foods (Pty) Ltd v Ioannides and Others (2680/2014) [2015] ZAECPEHC 62 (10 November 2015)
Dryer v Duncan and Others (3601/2009) [2010] ZAECPEHC 28 (15 June 2010)
DTTC Investments CC v Klopper (1631/2012) [2012] ZAECPEHC 97 (13 December 2012)
Du Bruyn NO and Another v South African National Road Agency and Others (3765/2015) [2016] ZAECPEHC 54 (16 September 2016)
Du Plessis v Du Plessis and Another (2990/10) [2010] ZAECPEHC 77 (29 October 2010)
Du Plessis v Du Plessis and Another (2990/10) [2011] ZAECPEHC 51 (29 October 2011)
Du Plessis v Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and Another (3815/2012) [2014] ZAECPEHC 76 (4 September 2014)
Du Plessis v Road Accident Fund (3645/2016) [2018] ZAECPEHC 30 (28 June 2018)
Du Plessis v Road Accident Fund (3645/2016) [2018] ZAECPEHC 48 (21 August 2018)
Dubula v Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (2695/2017) [2021] ZAECPEHC 34 (27 May 2021)
Duncan v Coetzee (3888/11) [2012] ZAECPEHC 71 (25 September 2012)
Dunjana and Others v Minister of Police (01/2015) [2017] ZAECPEHC 22 (9 March 2017)