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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth
>> South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with G ...
South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with G ...
G.E.B v Road Accident Fund (2477/2015) [2017] ZAECPEHC 42 (5 September 2017)
G.F.P v M.P (Born S) (2033/2008) [2015] ZAECPEHC 63 (10 November 2015)
G.J.K and Another v K.A.S.K (born B) (1214/09) [2010] ZAECPEHC 15 (4 May 2010)
Gamble Investments (Pty) Ltd v Santam Ltd and Another (2921/2017) [2020] ZAECPEHC 9 (28 April 2020)
Gana v S (CC34/2010) [2019] ZAECPEHC 69 (29 October 2019)
Gatya v Member of the Executive Council, Department of Education, Eastern Cape and Another (3671/2014) [2019] ZAECPEHC 51 (29 August 2019)
Gcora and Others v Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and Others (1414/16) [2016] ZAECPEHC 55 (30 August 2016)
Gcora and Others v Nelson Mandela Municipality and Another (1414/2016) [2016] ZAECPEHC 84 (20 October 2016)
Gcwabe v S (CA&R 03/2012) [2012] ZAECPEHC 23 (17 April 2012)
Gentech Engineering Plastic CC v Reddy and Others (2462/2008, 1422/2009) [2011] ZAECPEHC 31 (15 June 2011)
Gentech Engineering Plastics CC v Zimmer and Others; Gentech Engineering Plastics CC v Reddy and Others (2462/2008) [2013] ZAECPEHC 20 (11 April 2013)
Gentech Engineering Plastics CC v Zimmer and Others; In Re: Gentech Engineering Plastics CC v Reddy and Others (2462/2008, 1422/2009) [2013] ZAECPEHC 62 (11 April 2013)
Georgiou v Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality and Others (1147/2016) [2016] ZAECPEHC 58; [2016] 4 All SA 524 (ECP) (22 September 2016)
Gerber and Another v Gerber and Others (907/09) [2009] ZAECPEHC 32 (9 July 2009)
Gerber v Naidoo and Another (3048/2015) [2016] ZAECPEHC 11 (25 February 2016)
Gerber v Padongelukkefonds (763/08) [2009] ZAECPEHC 24 (26 May 2009)
Geyer and Another v McGregor (2708/2014) [2014] ZAECPEHC 78 (10 October 2014)
Gibbs and Another v Vantyi and Others (2555/07) [2009] ZAECPEHC 23; 2010 (2) SA 606 (ECP) (25 May 2009)
Gillyfrost 54 (Pty) v Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality (1099/2013) [2015] ZAECPEHC 47; [2015] 4 All SA 58 (ECP) (28 July 2015)
Giza Technologies (Pty) Ltd v Sharpe and Others (3603/2019) [2020] ZAECPEHC 2 (30 January 2020)
Global Telematics South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Versitrade 540 (Pty) Ltd t/a Southern Transport (2192/07) [2010] ZAECPEHC 83 (16 March 2010)
Goba (Pty) Ltd v Rohrich NO and Others (953/2008) [2009] ZAECPEHC 33 (21 July 2009)
Gobo Gcora Construction & Project and Others v Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and Another ; Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality v Public Protector of the Republic of South Africa and Others (992/16; 1414/2016) [2019] ZAECPEHC 27; [2019] 3 All SA 172 (ECP) (16 April 2019)
Gobo Gcora Construction & Project and Others v Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and Another ; Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality v Public Protector of the Republic of South Africa and Others (992/16; 1414/2016) [2019] ZAECPEHC 40 (2 July 2019)
Gocini v S (CC29/2013) [2016] ZAECPEHC 40 (23 August 2016)
Goliath v Road Accident Fund (2224/2019) [2021] ZAECPEHC 22 (30 March 2021)
Good Year SA (Pty) Ltd v Weitz (3919/2012) [2013] ZAECPEHC 49; (2014) 35 ILJ 441 (ECP) (17 October 2013)
Goosen v van Blerk NO (3123/1999) [2013] ZAECPEHC 28 (11 June 2013)
Gorhan v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (3899/2015) [2016] ZAECPEHC 70 (20 October 2016)
Gouws v De Lange and Another (2842/14, 3449/14, 3450/14) [2014] ZAECPEHC 89 (11 December 2014)
Gouws v Taxing Mistress (Port Elizabeth) and Others (3300/2018; 525/2018) [2020] ZAECPEHC 41 (5 November 2020)
Green v Dorfling and Another (2384/2011) [2012] ZAECPEHC 74 (25 September 2012)
Griffiths v Climatic Air Conditioning and Refrigeration CC and Others (14/11) [2011] ZAECPEHC 35 (11 August 2011)
Grobank Limited v Georgiou (1105/2020) [2021] ZAECPEHC 48 (19 August 2021)
Grootboom and Others v Mkele and Others (3922/2015) [2016] ZAECPEHC 80 (27 September 2016)
Gutsche Family Investments (Pty) Limited and Others v Mettle Equity Group (Pty) Limited (4490/2015) [2017] ZAECPEHC 28 (30 March 2017)
Gwe v De Lange and Another (3532/09) [2019] ZAECPEHC 65; [2020] 1 BLLR 92 (ECP) ; (2020) 41 ILJ 341 (ECP) (17 September 2019)