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South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng
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South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng
>> South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng decisions beginning with F ...
South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng decisions beginning with F ...
F&I Services (Pty) Ltd v Fumiel Transport and Projects (M113/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 244 (13 September 2024)
F.N.M v Road Accident Fund (1685/2011) [2014] ZANWHC 56 (5 December 2014)
Famante Infocast (Pty) Ltd v Mafikeng Local Municipality (150/12) [2017] ZANWHC 93 (19 October 2017)
Family Financial Services (Pty) Ltd and Others v Family Funeral Friend Co-Operative and Another (M261/2014) [2024] ZANWHC 128 (21 May 2024)
Fanping and Another v S (CA15/2017) [2017] ZANWHC 83 (21 December 2017)
FBC Fidelity Bank Limited v Morule and Another (268/2001) [2001] ZANWHC 48 (9 November 2001)
Fedsas v MEC of Department of Education And Training, N.W. Province and Another (1133/13) [2014] ZANWHC 17 (1 August 2014)
Femel v S (CA 37/2017; R/C 66/2015) [2023] ZANWHC 144 (17 August 2023)
Femel v S (CA37/2017) [2024] ZANWHC 273 (5 November 2024)
Fencecor Konstrucsie CC v Moses Kotane Local Municipality (950/2010) [2012] ZANWHC 4 (1 March 2012)
Ferguson v Road Accident Fund (1073/2012) [2014] ZANWHC 16 (7 July 2014)
Ferris v Naledi Local Municipality (121/2022) [2022] ZANWHC 55 (6 December 2022)
Fields College v Rammutla and Another (CIV APP MG02/2022) [2023] ZANWHC 137 (17 August 2023)
First Rand Bank Ltd (Formerly known as First National Bank of South Africa) v Aucamp and Others (510/2011) [2011] ZANWHC 51 (1 September 2011)
Firstrand Bank Limited t/a Wesbank v Shakgapicle Trading and Project (Pty) Ltd and Others (1471/2022; 1188/2022) [2023] ZANWHC 101 (30 June 2023)
Firstrand Bank Limited v Adonis and Others (M169/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 214 (21 August 2024)
Firstrand Bank Limited v George Clarance Gibbens N.O and Another (KPM104/2018) [2021] ZANWHC 29 (11 June 2021)
Firstrand Bank Limited v Ramokgadi and Others (296/02) [2003] ZANWHC 60 (10 October 2003)
Firstrand Bank Limited v Selloe and Others (M276/2017) [2019] ZANWHC 32 (14 February 2019)
Firstrand Bank Limited v Vorster N.O and Others (M150/2018) [2018] ZANWHC 78 (13 December 2018)
Firstrand Bank Ltd v Kgethile (M370/2018) [2021] ZANWHC 63 (31 August 2021)
Firstrand Bank LTD v Wolmarans N.O and Others (M442/2017) [2018] ZANWHC 40 (30 August 2018)
Fletcher N.O and Others v MEC, Department of Agriculture, Conservation, Environment and Tourism (1532/05) [2006] ZANWHC 14 (17 February 2006)
Foli v Minister of Police (739/2018) [2023] ZANWHC 120 (20 July 2023)
Foli v Minister of Police (CIV APP FB 14/2024) [2025] ZANWHC 25 (3 February 2025)
Foodcorp (Pty) Ltd t/a Sunbake Rustenburg v Rustenburg Local Municipality (M427/2016A) [2017] ZANWHC 30 (18 May 2017)
Fourie v Geyer (MKP27/2018) [2019] ZANWHC 42; 2020 (6) SA 569 (NWM) (22 August 2019)
Fourie v Minister of Police (CIV APP FB03/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 312 (31 October 2024)
FPM Business (Pty) Ltd t/a FPM Security Services v Masakhane Mining Supply and Construction t/a Masakhane Megawell Services (301/22) [2024] ZANWHC 43 (20 February 2024)
FPM Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd and Another v Masilo and Others (M104/21) [2021] ZANWHC 12 (16 March 2021)
Frannero Property Investments 202 v Selapa and Others (FBCIVAPP03/2019) [2020] ZANWHC 4 (14 February 2020)
Fraqur 149 (Pty) Ltd v Engen Petroleum Limited and Others (UM62/2020) [2021] ZANWHC 28 (20 May 2021)
Frederik v Properties 4 All CC and others (CIV APP FB 02/2021) [2021] ZANWHC 27 (19 August 2021)
FS Mining Wash Plant (Pty) and Another v V-Flow SA (Pty) Ltd and Another (Leave to Appeal) (01/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 121 (7 May 2024)
FS Mining Wash Plant (Pty) Ltd v V-Flow SA (Pty) Ltd and Another (1291/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 104; [2024] 2 All SA 849 (NWM) (12 April 2024)
Fynbosland 435 CC v Torro ya Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others (1861/2011) [2011] ZANWHC 68 (15 December 2011)