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South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng
>> South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng decisions beginning with L ...
South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng decisions beginning with L ...
L.E.A v A.J.A (990/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 142 (21 June 2024)
L.H.M v M.E.M (Born R) (DIV 182/2020) [2023] ZANWHC 234 (12 October 2023)
L.J.M v S (CA55/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 310 (31 December 2024)
L.L v H.L (DIV210/2011) [2018] ZANWHC 29 (15 February 2018)
L.N v S (CA 04/2017) [2024] ZANWHC 40 (16 February 2024)
L.S v W.S (CIV/APP/MG17/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 86 (22 March 2024)
L.S.M obo O.M v Member of the Executive Council for Health North West Province (1362/2019) [2023] ZANWHC 185 (2 October 2023)
Lamavuso Transport CC v Gontse Transport Management and Projects (Pty) Ltd and Others (UM75/2017) [2018] ZANWHC 11 (22 March 2018)
Land & Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa v Nagel N.O and Another (UM211/2023) [2025] ZANWHC 13 (24 January 2025)
Land and Agricultal Development Bank of South Africa (M 188/2018) [2019] ZANWHC 6 (21 February 2019)
Land En Land Bank Van Suid Afrika v Fourie, In re: Oos Vrystaat Kaap Beperk v Fourie (M520/14) [2015] ZANWHC 9 (30 March 2015)
Lashaba v Goudini Chrome (Pty) Ltd and Another (M342/2016) [2017] ZANWHC 77 (2 November 2017)
Laubscher and Another v Rustenburg Local Municipality and Another (M56/2016) [2016] ZANWHC 61 (15 December 2016)
Law Society of the Northern Province v Ntobeng and Others (1744/2013) [2014] ZANWHC 50 (25 November 2014)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces and Another v Law Society of Bophuthatswana (520/09) [2009] ZANWHC 15 (21 May 2009)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Hlahla and Others (3497/10) [2010] ZANWHC 21 (19 November 2010)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Maiko and Another (495/08) [2008] ZANWHC 45 (20 November 2008)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Maseka and Another (443/2006) [2006] ZANWHC 40 (1 June 2006)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Maseka and Another (978/03) [2005] ZANWHC 19; 2005 (6) SA 372 (BH) (8 March 2005)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Mogami and Others (381/06) [2006] ZANWHC 36 (26 May 2006)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Mogami and Others (381/2006) [2007] ZANWHC 64 (25 October 2007)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Mothoagae and Another (1460/2005) [2006] ZANWHC 43 (12 June 2006)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Motlhake and Another (1251/07) [2007] ZANWHC 59 (11 October 2007)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Phiri and Another (1848/10) [2011] ZANWHC 42 (23 June 2011)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Rikhotso and Another (2076/2009) [2011] ZANWHC 14 (24 March 2011)
Layer3 Telecom (Pty) Ltd v Rustenburg Local Municipality (M346/2020) [2021] ZANWHC 69 (8 October 2021)
Lazenby v Lazenby Vervoer VV and Others (M328/2014) [2014] ZANWHC 41 (4 September 2014)
Le Roux v Fernandes (859/2003) [2005] ZANWHC 57 (25 August 2005)
Le Roux v Van Rensberg (584/03) [2003] ZANWHC 66 (20 October 2003)
Lebatlhabetse Syndicate (Pty) Ltd v Moleko (CA 5/2003) [2003] ZANWHC 47 (4 September 2003)
Lebese and Another v S (CAF21/15) [2015] ZANWHC 68 (15 October 2015)
Lebese and Others v S (CC51/2009) [2016] ZANWHC 59 (1 September 2016)
Lebu v JB Marks Local Municipality and Others; Moeketsane v Mokhatla and Others (UM27/2021; UM30/2021) [2021] ZANWHC 58 (17 March 2021)
Leburu v S (CA 24/2018) [2022] ZANWHC 57 (5 January 2022)
Leepile v S (CA 34/2015) [2016] ZANWHC 1; 2016 (1) SACR 513 (NWM) (11 February 2016)
Lefetlho Trading (Pty) Ltd v MEC for Health North West Province (403/2016) [2017] ZANWHC 110 (15 December 2017)
Legal Practice Council v Motlhabani (UM 148/2018) [2020] ZANWHC 76 (7 May 2020)
Legalatladi v S (CA45/2017) [2019] ZANWHC 55 (3 October 2019)
Legodi v Road Accident Fund (2866/2009) [2012] ZANWHC 37 (19 July 2012)
Legote and Another v S (CA 63/09) [2010] ZANWHC 1 (18 February 2010)
Lejage and Others v Minister of Police (500/2015, 501-504/2015) [2017] ZANWHC 65 (31 August 2017)
Lekala and Another v Member of the Executive Council of the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management and Another (1037/2017) [2023] ZANWHC 64 (25 May 2023)
Lekanyane v Road Accident Fund (RAF209/15) [2017] ZANWHC 124 (5 October 2017)
Lekgetho v S (11/2015) [2015] ZANWHC 16 (19 June 2015)
Lekhoana v S (CA 76/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 113 (16 April 2024)
Lekoko and Others v ABSA Bank Ltd and Others (UM20/2023) [2023] ZANWHC 141 (26 July 2023)
Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality v H.B obo B.B and Another (502/20) [2025] ZANWHC 15 (29 January 2025)
Lekwane v S (CA34/2022) [2022] ZANWHC 61 (10 November 2022)
Lelaka v S (CAF10/2014) [2014] ZANWHC 34 (10 October 2014)
Lengane Investments (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson: Department Procurement Committee: Depaertment of Transport, Roads and Community Safety, North West Province (2955/2010) [2011] ZANWHC 91 (23 June 2011)
Lenkopane v S (CA 13/2023; R/CA91/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 33; 2024 (1) SACR 607 (NWM) (16 February 2024)
Lenoke v Minister of Police (CIV APP MG 27/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 277 (6 November 2024)
Leo Superkos CC v Bester (CIVAPPMG11/2016) [2016] ZANWHC 65 (29 December 2016)
Leogale and Another v Diratsagae Communal Property Association and Another (M520/2021) [2023] ZANWHC 6 (7 February 2023)
Leoko and Another v North West University and Others (UM196/2020) [2020] ZANWHC 56 (12 October 2020)
Lesedi News CC v Rustenburg Local Municipality (4/14) [2014] ZANWHC 35 (6 November 2014)
Lesele v S (CA 53/2020) [2024] ZANWHC 257 (17 October 2024)
Lesele v S (CA15/2016) [2017] ZANWHC 6 (9 February 2017)
Lesetedi v S (CA 24/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 240 (18 September 2024)
Leso v S (CA 63/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 114 (16 April 2024)
Lesomo v Minister of Police (436/2017) [2023] ZANWHC 161 (12 September 2023)
Lethale and Associates CC v Molope Bakeries (Pty) Ltd (282/98) [1999] ZANWHC 2 (16 September 1999)
Letlape v Road Accident Fund (207/06) [2007] ZANWHC 44 (23 August 2007)
Letlojane v Naeema Cassim NO (CIV APP/MG/09/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 266 (15 August 2024)
Letlojane v Ratlou Local Municipality and Others (6451/24) [2025] ZANWHC 21 (3 February 2025)
Letsoalo v Kgetleng Local Municipality and Others (4204/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 250 (8 October 2024)
Leus v Chairman of the North- West Liquor Board and Others (371/2000) [2001] ZANWHC 13 (8 March 2001)
Lichenry (Pty) Limited v MEC: Department of Public Works and Roads: North West Provincial Government and Another (UM 134/2023) [2023] ZANWHC 207 (16 November 2023)
Lichtenburg Graan Trustrees (Edms) Bpk v Faul N.O and Others (716/2003) [2004] ZANWHC 16 (22 July 2004)
Lichtenburg Graan Trustrees (Edms) Bpk v PJ & ILM Boerdery (74/04) [2006] ZANWHC 12 (8 February 2006)
Lichtenburg Graan Trustrees (Edms) Bpk v PJ & ILM Boerdery (75/04) [2006] ZANWHC 34 (25 May 2006)
Lichtenburg Graan Trustrees (Edms) Bpk v PJ & ILM Boerdery (75/04) [2007] ZANWHC 1 (15 January 2007)
Lichtenburg Graan Trustrees (Edms) Bpk v PJ & ILM Boerdery (Edms) Beperk (75/04) [2004] ZANWHC 25 (15 October 2004)
Lichtenstein v S (CAF09/2015) [2015] ZANWHC 38 (27 August 2015)
Liebenberg and Another v Tariomix (Pty) Ltd t/a Forever Diamonds and Gold (In Liquidation) and Others (2167/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 166 (5 June 2024)
Limcroma Properties (Pty) Ltd v Jonker (2236/2024) [2024] ZANWHC 180 (14 May 2024)
Lion and Others v Premier of the North West Province and Others (M353/2017) [2019] ZANWHC 43 (22 August 2019)
LLM v Minister of Health (CA365.2021) [2024] ZANWHC 247 (26 September 2024)
Lobelo v Tawana And Others (1184/2005) [2008] ZANWHC 32 (3 July 2008)
Loeto v S (2/14) [2014] ZANWHC 14 (26 June 2014)
Lohan Civils (Pty) Ltd and Others v Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality and Another (Um 08/2018KP) [2019] ZANWHC 12 (8 March 2019)
Lolwane v S (CA28/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 32 (16 February 2024)
Lomalisa v K.R.M (CIVAPPFB9/2014) [2017] ZANWHC 58 (17 August 2017)
Longman v Minister of Police (20/2023) [2025] ZANWHC 6 (15 January 2025)
Lonmin LTD and Others v C.G Steyn Inc t/a Steyn Attorneys and Others (M619/2016) [2018] ZANWHC 73 (13 December 2018)
Lonmin Ltd and Others v CG Steyn Inc t/a Steyn Attorneys and Others (M619/16) [2018] ZANWHC 10 (26 April 2018)
Lottering v Adonis (CA 18/2007) [2008] ZANWHC 38 (2 October 2008)
Louw and Another v Forres Farm Properties (Pty) Ltd and Another (M292/18) [2019] ZANWHC 29 (22 March 2019)
Louw NO and Another v Botes (MG2/2012) [2013] ZANWHC 52 (7 June 2013)
Louw v Minister of Police (317/2019) [2023] ZANWHC 233 (12 October 2023)
Louw v Ndou and Others (115/2001) [2002] ZANWHC 3 (24 January 2002)
Louw v S (CA21/2015) [2015] ZANWHC 39 (25 June 2015)
Louw v S (CA989/07) [2015] ZANWHC 40 (2 July 2015)
Lucas v S (CA48/2016) [2017] ZANWHC 2 (9 February 2017)
Luphuwane v S (CAB08/2019) [2019] ZANWHC 14 (17 May 2019)