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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth
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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth
>> South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with B ...
South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with B ...
B and Another v Road Accident Fund and Others (1505/2009) [2014] ZAECPEHC 101 (20 February 2014)
B Davey v E Davey (191/2019) [2019] ZAECPEHC 44 (2 July 2019)
B N.O. v Minister of Home Affairs N.O. and Others (2665/2017) [2018] ZAECPEHC 24 (29 May 2018)
B.B v G.B (902/2011) [2014] ZAECPEHC 82 (1 September 2014)
B.B v J.S.B (607/2014) [2014] ZAECPEHC 33 (29 May 2014)
B.G.V.R v A.M.B (966/2014) [2015] ZAECPEHC 35 (22 May 2015)
B.L.T v G.V.T (Tshiki J) [2016] ZAECPEHC 28 (23 June 2016)
Badi and Another v East Cape Cycling and Others (3452/2018) [2019] ZAECPEHC 82 (5 November 2019)
Bam and Others v Minster of Correctional Services (58/2011) [2012] ZAECPEHC 66 (18 September 2012)
Barnard and Another v de Klerk (2015/2019) [2020] ZAECPEHC 38 (22 October 2020)
Barnard N.O obo Mncam v Road Accident Fund (1881/2012) [2019] ZAECPEHC 90 (22 August 2019)
Barnard obo Cakwebe v Road Accident Fund (2916/2013) [2016] ZAECPEHC 71; 2017 (1) SA 245 (ECP) (25 October 2016)
Bartosch v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd and Others (2286/2014) [2014] ZAECPEHC 52 (21 August 2014)
Bavisa v S (27/26/18) [2018] ZAECPEHC 83 (2 October 2018)
Bayethe Projects CC v Nelson Mandela Municipality and Another (3516/2018) [2020] ZAECPEHC 42 (5 November 2020)
Bayview Construction (Pty) Ltd v Eldorado Trading CC and Another (1316/13) [2013] ZAECPEHC 43 (6 September 2013)
Beacon Lighting (Pty) Ltd v Infra-Meg (Pty) Limited and Another (3916/2015) [2018] ZAECPEHC 3 (13 February 2018)
Beattie v Latjieskloof Beleggings (Pty) Ltd (1432/2017) [2017] ZAECPEHC 33 (30 June 2017)
Beautiful You Health and Beauty Clinic (Pty) Ltd v Moolman and Another (553/2015) [2015] ZAECPEHC 13 (10 March 2015)
Becker v MEC For The Department Of Economic Development & Environmental Affairs and Others (3366/2013) [2014] ZAECPEHC 43 (24 June 2014)
Bensure Management Services (Pty) Ltd v Pyke (2355/2011) [2012] ZAECPEHC 20 (27 March 2012)
Bester NO and Others v Master of the High Court, Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth (1558/2012) [2013] ZAECPEHC 25 (7 May 2013)
Beyene v S (CA&R 01/2021) [2021] ZAECPEHC 7 (4 February 2021)
Bezuidenhout; In Re: Ex parte Pieterse (1858/2014; 1859/2014), Ex parte [2014] ZAECPEHC 60 (19 August 2014)
Bhati v Minister of Home Affairs (500/09) [2009] ZAECPEHC 16 (28 April 2009)
Bhuiyan and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Another (2585/2011, 2599/2011) [2011] ZAECPEHC 40 (15 September 2011)
Biggs and Another v Cousins and Others (3323/2013) [2014] ZAECPEHC 104 (15 July 2014)
Bikebuddi International Ltd v Bikebudi Holdings Ltd (3726/2011) [2011] ZAECPEHC 59 (13 December 2011)
Binta v Hlasela and Another (1776/2016) [2017] ZAECPEHC 35 (11 July 2017)
Birch, Sidney Bonnen t/a LF Birch & Son v Santam Ltd (712/2011) [2011] ZAECPEHC 60 (30 September 2011)
Blacher and Others v Britz and Another (2178/09) [2009] ZAECPEHC 46 (4 September 2009)
Blignaut v Director General for the Department of Labour (1107/2015) [2015] ZAECPEHC 28 (7 May 2015)
Blignaut v Protea Coin Group (Assests in Transit And Armed Reaction) and Another [2015] ZAECPEHC 32 (21 May 2015)
Bobani v Nelson Mandela Bay Metro Municipality and Others (1459/13) [2013] ZAECPEHC 31 (28 June 2013)
Boezacht and Others v Niegaardt and Others (1726/11) [2012] ZAECPEHC 73 (9 October 2012)
Boltina v Road Accident Fund (941/2014) [2017] ZAECPEHC 27 (25 April 2017)
Bonnesse and Another v Road Accident Fund and Others (1505/2009) [2014] ZAECPEHC 7 (20 February 2014)
Booi v S (CA&R04/2015) [2015] ZAECPEHC 38 (11 June 2015)
Borbet South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Others v Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (3751/2011) [2014] ZAECPEHC 35; 2014 (5) SA 256 (ECP) (3 June 2014)
Borcherds and Another v Duxbury and Others (1522/2020) [2020] ZAECPEHC 37; 2021 (1) SA 410 (ECP) (22 September 2020)
Bosch v MEC for Department of Education, Eastern Cape Province and Others (3331/12) [2012] ZAECPEHC 85 (29 November 2012)
Botha v MEC for Public Works, Roads And Transport (2447/2008) [2014] ZAECPEHC 77 (14 August 2014)
Botha v Minister of Safety and Security and Others, January v Minister of Safety Security and Others (575/09, 576/09) [2011] ZAECPEHC 12; 2012 (1) SACR 305 (ECP) (2 April 2011)
Botha v Smuts and Another (2832/2019) [2020] ZAECPEHC 19 (4 June 2020)
Bouwer Collins Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd v Hopgood and Another (2012/12) [2014] ZAECPEHC 9 (18 February 2014)
Boxerdale Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Wulffers (3543/2019) [2020] ZAECPEHC 36 (29 September 2020)
Bricks v O'Brien Contractors CC (1781/09) [2009] ZAECPEHC 42 (27 August 2009)
Briggs v Briggs (1549/2012) [2013] ZAECPEHC 56 (3 September 2013)
Britz NO v Strydom and Another (2849/2018) [2019] ZAECPEHC 17 (29 March 2019)
Bronscor CC v Allin and Another; Allin v Bronscor CC (695/2021;852/2021) [2022] ZAECPEHC 11 (26 July 2022)
Brown and Another v S (CC 18/2017) [2018] ZAECPEHC 76; 2019 (1) SACR 691 (ECP) (14 December 2018)
Building Product Design Ltd v Cordustex Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd and Another (929/2012) [2012] ZAECPEHC 42 (3 July 2012)
Buje v Road Accident Fund (3149/2019) [2021] ZAECPEHC 43 (17 August 2021)
Busakwe v Viking Inshore Fishing (Pty) Ltd (68/2007) [2012] ZAECPEHC 64 (13 September 2012)
Buttcat Boat Builders (Pty) Ltd and Another v Arvesco 119 (Pty) Ltd t/a Carrycat and Another (1155/2017) [2018] ZAECPEHC 12 (13 March 2018)
BVDM Trading 4 CC v Kings Terrace Body Corporate (561/2019) [2019] ZAECPEHC 35 (30 May 2019)