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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth
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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth
>> South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with C ...
South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with C ...
C v Road Accident fund (306/2016) [2018] ZAECPEHC 32 (28 June 2018)
C.A.S v A.L.S and Others (473/2016) [2018] ZAECPEHC 75 (11 December 2018)
C.M v MEC, Department of Health, Eastern Cape and Another (1787/2014) [2017] ZAECPEHC 45 (14 September 2017)
C.R.B v H.T.B (4273/2017) [2018] ZAECPEHC 17 (10 May 2018)
C.S.S v P.M.S (699/2008) [2015] ZAECPEHC 46 (2 July 2015)
Calcutt (Born Hyde) and Others v Maclean and Others (871/09) [2010] ZAECPEHC 9 (23 March 2010)
Campher v Cushing (978/2009) [2009] ZAECPEHC 11 (21 April 2009)
Cape Concentrate (Pty) Ltd (In Liqiudation) and Others v Pagdens Incorporated and Others (2338/2019) [2020] ZAECPEHC 25; [2020] 4 All SA 61 (ECP) (28 July 2020)
Carstens v Carsten and Others (1519/2004) [2011] ZAECPEHC 25 (7 June 2011)
Carstens v Carstens (2267/2012) [2012] ZAECPEHC 100 (20 December 2012)
Carter Trading (Pty) Ltd v Blignaut (444/09) [2009] ZAECPEHC 22; 2010 (2) SA 46 (ECP) (14 May 2009)
CG v AG and Another (1078/2019) [2020] ZAECPEHC 12; 2020 (6) SA 487 (ECP) (5 May 2020)
Chamberlain v Minister Of Safety And Security (3500/09) [2014] ZAECPEHC 30 (8 May 2014)
Changing Tides 17 (Proprietary) Limited N.O. v Ruiters and Another (1810/2012) [2017] ZAECPEHC 12 (16 February 2017)
Changing Tides 17 (Proprietary) Limited N.O. v Wagg and Another (165/2014) [2018] ZAECPEHC 4 (22 February 2018)
Changing Tides 17 (Pty) Ltd v Hattingh and Another (2213/09) [2010] ZAECPEHC 1 (19 January 2010)
Changing Tides 17 (Pty) Ltd v Ruiters and Another (1810/12) [2013] ZAECPEHC 18 (4 April 2013)
Changing Tides 17 (Pty) Ltd v Scholtz and Another (2975/09) [2010] ZAECPEHC 3 (2 February 2010)
Changing Tides 17 Proprietary Limited NO V Bhokoyi and Another (202/2019) [2019] ZAECPEHC 89 (16 July 2019)
Charlewood N.O. and Others v Valuation Appeal Board for the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality and Others, Lovemore N.O. and Others v Valuation Appeal Board for the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality and Others (2669/2016, 2861/2016) [2017] ZAECPEHC 56 (12 December 2017)
Chase Street Properties (Pty) Ltd v MEC: Department of Housing, Local Government & Traditional Affairs and Others (1345/08) [2009] ZAECPEHC 17 (28 April 2009)
Chemical Specialities (Pty) Ltd v Humansdorp Paint Centre CC (227/09) [2010] ZAECPEHC 11 (30 March 2010)
Cherry v Pick 'N Pay - Cleary Park (1151/2013) [2014] ZAECPEHC 32 (29 May 2014)
Chickenland (Pty) Ltd v Singh and Another (134/2010) [2010] ZAECPEHC 30 (15 June 2010)
City Paint & Tool (Pty) Ltd v Chamberlain and Another (1461/2018) [2018] ZAECPEHC 27 (26 June 2018)
CJP Chemicals (Pty) Ltd v Dapshis and Another (981/2021) [2021] ZAECPEHC 40 (29 June 2021)
Claasen v Road Accident Fund (4242/2014) [2017] ZAECPEHC 38 (10 August 2017)
Claassen v Mitchley (1215/2009) [2012] ZAECPEHC 49 (21 June 2012)
Claassen v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (2338/09) [2010] ZAECPEHC 17 (6 May 2010)
Claassen v Quenstedt and Others (1199/2011) [2014] ZAECPEHC 18 (25 March 2014)
Clemlen Investments No. 10 (Pty) Ltd v Recycle Yourself (Pty) Ltd (1328/2017) [2017] ZAECPEHC 32 (13 June 2017)
Climax Concrete Products CC t/a Climax Concrete Products CC v Evening Flame Trading 449 (Pty) Ltd and Others (812/2012) [2012] ZAECPEHC 39 (21 June 2012)
Cloete v Van Meyeren (731/2017) [2018] ZAECPEHC 72; [2019] 1 All SA 662 (ECP); 2019 (2) SA 490 (ECP) (27 November 2018)
Collen v Tiry (1409/2008) [2010] ZAECPEHC 81 (23 November 2010)
Collier v Road Accident Fund (3708/06) [2009] ZAECPEHC 21 (7 April 2009)
Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services v Brown (561/2016) [2016] ZAECPEHC 17; 78 SATC 255 (5 May 2016)
Commissioner Of The South African Revenue Service v Yusuf (3466/2011) [2014] ZAECPEHC 29 (6 May 2014)
Concrete 4 U (Pty) Ltd and Others v G and Another (2919/2013) [2015] ZAECPEHC 10 (3 March 2015)
Cordustex Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd v Building Product Design Ltd (1792/2012) [2012] ZAECPEHC 47 (3 August 2012)
Coutsourides N.O and Another v Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality and Others (3565/2015) [2015] ZAECPEHC 66 (8 December 2015)
Cowley and Another v Lai Thom and Another (1117/2010) [2012] ZAECPEHC 70 (25 September 2012)
Cronje v Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality Uitenhage (800/09) [2010] ZAECPEHC 58 (16 September 2010)
Cross Point Trading 199 (Pty) Ltd v Trade Link Retail Systems (Pty) Ltd (3462/2012) [2014] ZAECPEHC 22 (8 April 2014)
CS v TS (645/2020) [2020] ZAECPEHC 45 (12 November 2020)
Cubana Latino Caffe CC v Gapwedge Properties 53 (Pty) Ltd (1628/2011) [2011] ZAECPEHC 44 (3 November 2011)