South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth

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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with E ...
South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth decisions beginning with E ...
- E.L.R v W.O.R (3541/2017) [2018] ZAECPEHC 67 (8 November 2018)
- East Cape Game Properties (Pty) Limited v Brown and Others (2715/2016) [2017] ZAECPEHC 41; [2017] 4 All SA 414 (ECP) (29 August 2017)
- East Cape Midlands College v Go Training Academy CC (2211/2017) [2018] ZAECPEHC 9 (27 February 2018)
- Eastern Cape Development Corporation v Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth and Others (3203/2016) [2017] ZAECPEHC 23 (28 March 2017)
- Eastern Cape Society of Advocates v Jacobs (2232/2011) [2012] ZAECPEHC 51 (20 August 2012)
- Eayrs NO obo The Daku Trust v Strydom NO and Others (3704/11) [2012] ZAECPEHC 4 (31 January 2012)
- Ebhayi Charter Air CC v Smit and Others (118/2012) [2014] ZAECPEHC 103 (22 August 2014)
- ECD v BDD (878/2019) [2020] ZAECPEHC 47 (26 November 2020)
- ECU Investments (Pty) Ltd CBF Motors v van Heerden and Another (474/09, 475/09) [2012] ZAECPEHC 19 (29 March 2012)
- Ed-u College (Port Elizabth) NPC v Transnet Limited and Another (135/13,212/13) [2014] ZAECPEHC 96 (22 December 2014)
- Ed-u College (Port Elizabth) NPC v Transnet Limited and Another (135/13,212/13) [2015] ZAECPEHC 2 (13 January 2015)
- Ed-U- College v MEC of the Provincial Governmentof the Eastern Cape, Education and Others (3146/08) [2010] ZAECPEHC 35 (22 June 2010)
- Edu-U-College (Port Elizabeth) v Transnet Limited and Another (135/2013, 212/2013, 62/2014, 1729/2011, 4397/2015) [2017] ZAECPEHC 18 (23 February 2017)
- Eedendrop (Pty) Ltd v Kouga Municipality (1774/2009) [2010] ZAECPEHC 36 (22 June 2010)
- Elderberry Investments (Pty) Ltd and Another v Department of Economic Development and Environmental Affairs and Others (2919/21) [2021] ZAECPEHC 64 (2 December 2021)
- Elman Naidoo N.O v Minister of Safety and Security and Another (1421/2011) [2019] ZAECPEHC 8 (12 March 2019)
- Emadyl Industries CC t/a Raydon Industries v Formex Industries (Pty) Ltd t/a Formex Engineering (1699/09) [2011] ZAECPEHC 58; 2012 (4) SA 29 (ECP) (20 December 2011)
- Emeribe v VFS Global Visa Facilitation Centre, Port Elizabeth and Others, Jabed v VFS Global Visa Facilitaion Centre, Port Elizabeth and Others (2190/2015, 2458/2015) [2015] ZAECPEHC 71 (15 December 2015)
- Enslin N.O. and Others v Municipal Manager: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and Others (2431/2013) [2014] ZAECPEHC 83 (4 December 2014)
- Enslin N.O. and Others v Municipal Manager: Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and Others (2431/2013) [2015] ZAECPEHC 5 (29 January 2015)
- Erasmus NO and Another v Blom and Others (3311/09) [2011] ZAECPEHC 11 (31 March 2011)
- Erasmus v Minister of Safety and Security (1336/2008) [2009] ZAECPEHC 39 (21 August 2009)
- Erasmus v Road Accident Fund (698/2007) [2009] ZAECPEHC 51 (16 October 2009)
- Esau v Road Accident (3410/15) [2017] ZAECPEHC 30 (1 June 2017)
- Ex parte: Futter, In re: Walter v Road Accident Fund and Another (2422/2008) [2012] ZAECPEHC 52 (17 August 2012)
- Ex parte: Van Eeden (2015/2012) [2012] ZAECPEHC 84 (29 November 2012)